Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Twenty Pound Frog

That is right, ladies and gents, this here frog weighs twenty pounds!!

Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Three Months Old

Whew! Three months already? That is correct. Our little Wiley Celebrated three months of life on Sunday. On Saturday we all went to a Halloween/Anniversary Celebration for the Birth Center. It was wonderful to see all the other babes in their cute costumes. My favorite was a one year old little girl in a Zebra outfit... too cute. Willem has an adorable Frog suit with big eyeballs on top.

The movie is from Saturday morning... Willem was soooOOOooooo tired!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Grandpa's Birthday!!

Today is Grandpa Sandvik's 60th Birthday!! YEAHHHHHH!!! 60 fun filled years under the belt and many, many more to go! Willem wanted to say happy birthday so we made a little movie. (Our first YouTube experiment.) So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!