Monday, March 19, 2007


Just how good is it?

Willem and Poushy have enjoyed several of these dueling naps... Poushy usually wins. Life has been grand at our new home. Still lots of changing around but it all feels so much better when you know there is no real outside pressure on any particular project. Well, except the garden... that has to get in or else we will have no fresh maters or peppers or mellons this summer! Todd spent his first week at Duke... all week. I snuck away to see him for about 20 minutes one night thanks to Miss Ambercita who watched Willem. I missed Todd so much! Glad he is back now. While Todd was away WIllem turned a new corner developmentally... crawling, standing, and weilding that will like a weapon! Last night he decided he didn't want to sleep so we battled it out until 11:30pm. Ekkk!! Tonight went much better. Willem put the fear of the Lord in us so as of today we are on a real schedule (neither Todd nor I are good at those things). Asleep at 8:30 tonight. Well, much to do. Hope everyone in Blogland is happy. Sleep well!