Friday, April 20, 2007

Cribbing Defined

For any of you that are familiar with the equine OCD "Cribbing"... I have just discovered the source of the term.

Super Baby Saves the Day

This just in! Another toddler in trouble has been saved by SUPER BABY! Little Bubba Barnes lost his blue ring-you know, the one that is the most important foundation ring in the classic stackable ring toy! The Blue ring went rolling away faster than a meatball. Luckily, Super Baby was scouring a nearby table top for fallen honey-o's and heard Bubba's cry. With the dexterity and speed of a two year old Super Baby made a dive for the illusive blue ring and nabbed it up just before it rolled under the evil sofa monster (notorious for munching on blocks, balls, and baby socks). Super Baby returned the blue ring to a much relieved Bubba who was then able to stack that beautiful rainbow of rings as the good Lord intended... largest to smallest.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Zee Veggie Artist

So far spring has been beautiful here in the Old North State. Our new home has a wonderful yard with flowers popping out all over the place. Willem is quite fond of our outdoor adventures-weather permitting-and he is even starting to say his first word: BIRD! Or more like "burrrrrrrrrrrr" said while pointing up at the trees. He also thinks the dragon kite that his mommom and granddad brought to him from China is also a bird.

Willem is now taking his hands off the furniture as he stands and is also eating all sorts of new solid food. I don't know what it is about them but our Honey-O's are a hit. I hated that kind of cereal when I was little but it is also growing on me now. He had his first eggplant yesterday and seemed okay with it.

So much is going on here: Todd is cracking away at school and work, my folks are heading to China to see the Asia branch of the family (and the new little sprout!), the painting of the house is happening slowly, there has been good news in the health department for several family members, friends are coming to visit from far away places, we have a brother being honored by the state for some really wonderful work he did for some people in serious need, Willem and I are heading to FLorida for some family celebrations and (did I mention this?) it is SPRING!!! I do love spring... a great time to dream and plan and then actually DO!

I am getting out of my shell and trying to make some new friends (for Willem and me). I met some neighbors this morning that just had a baby girl about the same time as my new nephew arrived. They also have a three year old son. AND... drumroll please... I filled out my membership form for the local Mother's Club. I am most looking forward to the playgroups for Willem and in helping in their service projects. Without my board work I have felt like I am really not helping others... a must!

I leave you with my little man in all his finger-painting-with-green-beans glory! (Check out that bib!)