Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A year and a week

TK took me out for a fabu dinner at Nannas. WOW. I mean really. WOW! Our little boy is a year old and we have three "married" years under the belt :) As I told Tk it is like we have been together for lifetimes with little intermissions. Life keeps getting more exciting and more action packed... who knows where the next turn in the road will take us!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Bragging Rights

My son, who is a mere 368 days old, peed in his baby potty today.

And the trees, water, and bank accounts rejoice as they see relief in sight!

(To be replaced with some other drain.)

GO WILLEM!!! That's my boy!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Bubble Baby

Nap Interupted

Things are moving right along here... Todd goes back to school for Part II this week, Willem turns ONE YEAR OLD in a few days, and the house is actually getting painted! Within a few short weeks Willem has progressed from walking along the furniture to walking across the whole house in chase of Poushy, Misha, Daddy, or myself. He is cutting two more bottom teeth. Those will bring the grand total to EIGHT teeth!

We have also been having a great time with our "playgroup" (that being one other mom-baby set). The cute little girl, "A", and Willem are exciting to watch. They have played peek-a-boo together around furniture and are encouraging each other's development. Also, not a bad situation for me at all as I really enjoy the talk time with the mom! YEAH!

We had a great 4th of July out on the water with my parent's and Amber and Manuel! I think almost all of us had a chance to rescue hats or toys out of the water. We saw some Bald Eagles-freshly removed from the Endangered Species List-and some other fowl. Willem had a chance to wade in his birthday suit while my father and Manuel took a real swim in the middle of the lake! Hope summer is going well for everyone!