Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lilly's First Birthday

This is Lilly.
Lilly is one year old.

This is Lilly's cake.

This is Thomas and Willem in Lilly's kennel.

Happy Birthday Lilly!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Dentifrice et Wedding Gowns

Auntie Amber is getting hitched!! Willem gets to see the gown in the final fitting... but first he has to get ready for the day.

Halloween and the Blue Devil

Super Dukie to the rescue!!

Duet and Solo - Bravisimo!

Aunt Judy and Willem perform a duet in the parlor.

Willem performs much anticipated solo.

Baby Behind Glass

Aunt Judy is visiting from Florida. Willem loves showing off his crazy side for her!

Autumn Upon Us

FINALLY... there is a chill in the air and the leaves have changed (that is, those that had not already fallen dead due to our extreme drought). I love autumn - the layering of clothing, the joy of hot cocoa, the promise of change, and - of course - the FOOD! Mmmmmm... I tried my hand at some eclectic Chicken and Dumpling recipe that Whole foods had in their recipe box. Mmmmmm... it was very good. Nothing at all like the traditional dish but quite tasty and surprising. I have never cooked Swiss Chard and would have never put it in Chicken and Dumplings.

Willem seems to be loving fall as well. He has been sleeping in bed with us and taking up about 2/3 of the space as soaks up the warmth. I am just not so sure his room is warm enough. I need to find some of those "footy" pj's. In the morning when Todd and I are having coffee he gets to have his hot cocoa. He asks for it, too. First thing he does when his feet hit the floor is to run to the kitchen and grip the counter saying over and over again in his baby voice, "Ha cocOA! Ha cocOA! Ha cocOA!"

He is also turning into quite a friendly little chap. In the grocery store he about falls out of the cart as he waves at other shoppers. "HIHIHIHIHIHIHI!" He startled a woman refolding sweaters in a store on Tuesday. He stood a few feet away and kept saying 'hi' until she noticed that he was talking to her. I thought she was going to cry! She said it totally made her day. That's my boy!!

Well, I will leave you with some pictures and little movies... it has been a long time so bear with me!