Friday, October 10, 2008

Two Weeks to Go!

Yup. It is finally here. TK's graduation and a much anticipated trip to China to visit our family! It amazes me that this little bun will be traveling around the world... albeit in a very contained travel compartment.

There is much to do before we ship off. Including my next doctor's appointment. Hopefully, we will be able to schedule an ultrasound to see if we can scope out the sex of this babe while TK's family is here for his graduation. That would be fun!

Oh yes, the appetite has returned. Although, it is mainly for chocolate and chips. D'oh! Not the salad, watermelon, and cheese cravings I had with Wiley. Hmmm... where is that Oreo?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Expect a New Pastry in April!


What with TK finishing up school and Willem entering potty training days, we thought we should spice up our life with a new family member! We are about 12 weeks along the 40 week road. Today we had our first ultrasound. A real delight to see that new little human wiggling around. The doctor said all looked well and that the babe was very responsive (ie: it didn't like being poked at).

Willem knows there is a brother or sister coming his way but I am quite sure he has not grasped what that will entail!

I ran over to show our sweet neighbors the ultrasound photos and the grandmother said she was sure it would be a girl. Evidently she has a good track record with these things. I will be happy with whatever arrives!

Here we go!

Monday, April 07, 2008

Built it!

Well, I managed to muster up enough courage to go out in the damp, cool outside to finish building Willem's sandbox. We decided he needed a more distinguished spot to wear/dig/ingest/throw/push/kick/etc. dirt (sand). So we built him a sandbox. After shopping at Ross's Hardware Store for the needed wood screws we got the job done. I think Willem is happy with it and so am I. Just need to make that anti-feline device!

I was going to be all crafty and use the Pythagorean Theorem but in the end I mostly used the ol' eyeballs to square it up. Good intentions and all...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

And Time Passes

I doubt anyone is still checking this blog after the months and months of decline but... just so there is an official record!

February and March have been quite eventful for Willem. He went off the mommy-milk-bar permanently (and without much fuss), he had his first 100% dry night, and he said "I love you, mommy" for the first time without prodding, first Lutfisk dinner and he had his first easter egg dying session and hunt.

We are very happy to have spring springing because we were getting the winter blahs pretty bad. Now the tulips and daffodils are all blooming and the birds are chirping away! Todd, Willem and I tilled up the garden and put some new topsoil in in preparation for some yummy veggies this summer.

This summer should be wonderful! We are most excited about the knot tying for Amber and Manu!! YEA! Willem knows what is going on and is ready to chime in with some "I do"'s. Their wedding will be the BIG event this summer and then there will be the home improvement events like: house painting, waterproofing, tiling, etc. And just maybe this week Willem and I will build a sandbox!

He is enjoying playing around in the dirt now with his veritable fleet of dump trucks and cars. Might as well give him his own personal (cat safe) sand.