Monday, March 22, 2010

Blanket Over Your Head

I love this! I just found this Pro-Breastfeeding blog. I am thinking about getting a onesie for Elsa with their logo: "If Breastfeeding Offends You Put A Blanket Over YOUR Head!" I was thanked by a mom for my breastfeeding at a restaurant while in Arizona. It does matter!

It has been forever since I wrote here... life overwhelms. But all is pretty darn good here. Willem and Elsa are growing like weeds! Willem will be FOUR this summer. *Gasp* And Elsa is fast approaching her first birthday. She recently learned how to climb up on one of our sofas. So she and Willem have a new game of sofa conquering. Pretty cute! The best thing ever is to see the two kids interacting. Just amazing!