Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Belly: Week 26 (We are Actually at Week 29 Now)

The Belly: Week 26
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.

I think would kick me off if I tried to put all my photos up. I have some more on my Flickr page which everyone is invited to see These next three weeks are going to be INSANE with the end of classes (this week), final exams (next week), and then the dreaded COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS (third week). After that my life will get substantially less crazy. After that I will be able to give some serious attention to preparing for childbirth.

Yup. I kind of forgot about that part of the pregnancy. Todd and I will start our birthing classes next Sunday. And I will finally have the time to attend the prenatal yoga classes. Thank GOD my dear friend and mother mentor, Christina, gave me a prenatal yoga DVD. It has already awakened me to the fact that I can no longer lean forward when sitting on the ground. Hmmm. Something is in the way!

So, I leave you all with a close up of Baby Sandvik's current residence at week 26! I am evidently carrying a basketball.

And another thing...

Back in the early days of my search for baby bedding I found the wonderful Baby George organic cotton bedding at that Crystal Baby Organics ... Wonderful stuff but EXPENSIVE as HECK! So in the end I didn't actually buy it there but from this really sweet woman who recently opened an online/eBay store "Niki's Organic Boutique" out of Columbia, SC. She has the best prices I have seen online for organic bedding. If anyone is scouting out organic bedding I would check out her stock!

"This is yours!"

"This is yours!"
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is the week 28 baby belly explaining to Baby Sandvik where he will be sleeping in a couple of months. I think the reply back went something like, "What is this sleep you speak of? I am planning nothing of the sort!!"

Crib Buddies

Crib Buddies
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
So I went ahead and purchased the AWESOME "Baby George" organic cotton bedding. You can see the cute jungle animal embroidery here. I still need to get foam or padding or something to stuff in the bumper.

It is just amazing to walk into the room now and see things coming together. He will be here before we know it! I just ask that he stays in the oven until he is fully cooked (and until I am finished with my internship)!

The Daddy (Post Set-Up)

YEAH! The nursery furniture is finally here! This little babe has nicer furniture than anything Todd and I own. We are thinking of seeing if Baby Sandvik wants to trade. Grandma and Grandpa Sandvik gave us the glorious evolving crib (crib to day-bed to full size bed) and Grandma and Grandpa Bush gave us the roomy dresser/changing table. Big Daddy Todd did a stellar job getting the room set up! Just a little wall washing, window dressing, and floor covering left to go!