Thursday, August 24, 2006

Meet the Family

What a wonderful three weeks!! We had LOTS of family here (staying with Mom and Dad Bush... not our little place) to meet little Willem for the first time! They came from the far reaches of the Earth... from Florida to Montana to China. Little Zain is going to be a super big cousin (and big brother). He is already demonstrating his baby care skills including putting "Baby Michael" (play baby) into the car seat... baby may be upside down in the car seat but its a better job than Brittany Spears could do :)

Mom and Dad Sandvik came from Montana, Aunt Pat, Uncle Jud, and Tracy came from Florida, Grandmama and Charles from Florida, and Nate, Mindy, and Zain win the distance award for coming from CHINA!

It was wonderful to visit with everyone, to hear family baby stories (Aunt Pat told of her brother who was 20 pounds at BIRTH!!), to celebrate all sorts of events (Tracy's birthday, Nate and Mindy's anticipated baby boy, a respite from killer heat, etc., etc.).

The time also taught me (new mom) that it IS possible to DO things while caring for new born! Nice lesson!

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