Saturday, November 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Mom, Dad, WIllem and I made the trip down to Florida two weeks ago to see the family down there. We had a wonderful time. WIllem was a gem! Between the driving and meeting so many new people he loved it all! We even went to EPCOT with Granddad and Libby. I had the most fun watching him intereact with everyone. He loved Elise and Sydney. They gave him a crawling lesson and both held him ever so gently. Really sweet. I am going to have to keep my eyes on Aunt Pat or else she is going to whisk Willem away! Willem also had eating and drinking lessons from Uncle Jud. Several grandma types in restaurants offered to adopt him.

This trip made me even more excited about heading to Montana for Heather's wedding. It is a beautiful thing to watch our family grow! Hmmm... local family, too! We just found out (officially) that Aunty Amber and Manuel will be joining us in North Carolina!! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!! Happy Day!!!

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