Friday, June 22, 2007

Early Steps

Our trip to Florida was lots of fun! Family, friends, water and sun... and a touch of some sort of bug that put mommy out of commision for a day... but other than that we had a lovely time! Here is a little clip por vous. Sorry for the sidewaysness.

(So... I tried in vain to post the version of this movie with the fun credits, title, etc. but to no avail. WIllem is still cute as a button. Hope ya'll don't get a kink in your neck trying to watch!)


Elaine said...

Argh, YouTube can be such a tease.

I'm exhausted but looking forward to wandering around Vancouver today.

Anonymous said...

I love watching Willem grow. Thank you so much for posting the pictures. It is hot in ND today. So hot my dog is lying under the fan. Aunt Gayle