Sunday, March 05, 2006

Baby Learns About Marine Life

Half Moon Bay was beautiful! Judith and I had a nice drive along ridges and canyons to get there. On our trip we saw two black tail deer, a sharp shinned hawk, an unfortuante raccoon, red wing black birds, snow, a flock of dinos, a white balloon with a lisp, pony rides, snails, hermit crabs in snails' clothing, and SEALS!!!!!! Seals with eyes like dinner plates staring back at us... surely wondering when we would get off their rock. Baby Sandvik no doubt experienced some turbulence as I jumped up and down waving to the seals to please come in and have a chat with us... no avail. Baby Sandvik and I also enjoyed a Dungenous Crab Sandwich and Barabara's... Mmmmm... we both approve!

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