Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bare-foot & Pregnant

Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Look! Isn't that rich? I AM bare-foot and pregnant... in the kitchen... making mac'n'cheese.

It has been a while since I have posted-there are just so many things going on! All is well though. We have the nursery furniture ordered with thanks to Mom and Dad Sandvik for providing a beautiful crib for our little boy and Mom and Dad Bush for providing a nice chest of drawers for those baby clothes! YEAH! All we need is the baby!!


Elaine said...

Ah, when the young one looks back at that photo in say 15 years, i wonder what he will think....

Lola said...

I think he will be wondering about my dietary habits :)

"I am made of Mac 'n' cheese...hmmm"

Anonymous said...

Hey mama! you are looking fab-u-lous!! Check out that belly! I hope you're doing yoga - you'll be thanking yourself during the delivery. How are you feeling? How does it feel to have a very obvious someone growing inside you?? Be good to yourself and baby and I'll be in touch soon!
Love ya,

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