Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Delinquent but with Reason

I can't even start to try and fill in all the things I meant to Blog about over the past MONTHS... such is life! We move on!

Last night we had our first family night out at a friend's place. We went over to Patrick and Janet's house for kick ass beef stroganof (now schedule a time for Rodrigo to cook so we may all continue the Beef Strogan-Off... as it were). They have three year old Sofia and five month old Booker. Both of these chilluns are just the cutest dang things ever. Sofia saw that Willem's Eyore toy was hungry and preceeded to feed it mook (re: milk). Very sweet indeed. After meeting cousins (?) Maggie and Keira in Montana (and various and sundry other babes) Booker has been one of the few babies Willem has gotten a good look at. I think I will take Janet up on the offer and head over for some baby play time one day.

Okay, okay, okay... so... one MAIN reason I have not been posting as entended is because TODD AND I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! WWOOOOOOHOOOOO!! Our first ever very own house no land lord no rules (maybe a few) all ours!!! We have a closing date of February 14th, adios Halmark, hola real celebration!! It is the perfect little house for us with a great big back yard and nice wood floors!! Todd and I could hardly sleep for days. We are finally going to have a place of our own, a place for Willem to learn to walk in and for us to keep dreaming and doing in. JOY!

It is in Durham close to our favorite bakery, Guglhupf. Oh yes, and we don't have to give up our local Amantes or VisArt either. We are in certain heaven.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Holiday Pastry or Whooooooosh!

Say wha? January 27th already?!?! Okay... so a couple months have slipped past me. Most importantly the month of DECEMBER which held many fun events. Get ready for a stream of consciousness ramble as I try to conjur up memories...

Willem loved the mall in all of its pre-holiday madness, he rode face forward in his baby bjorn screeching in delight at all the shoppers actually garnering smiles and coos here and there from people who were close to turning into Grinches!

We tried to take several family holiday pictures to share but none quite captured the spirit or else they did capture the spirit but the spirit was cross eyed with exhaustion. So we have some fun shots of Willem and Poppa putting the lights on the tree but none of all of us.

Christmas eve we attended a particularly beautiful service... they are usually candle lit but this one was candle lit by necessity! Chapel Hill had a couple blocks without power! Willem loved all the flickering flames and was captivated by other chillen's squaking in nearby pews.

Afterwards we picked up our nanimals (Misha and Poushy) and headed out to the "Zoo House" (AKA Mom-mom and Grand-dad's) for a Christmas sleep to be followed by Christmas morning and eating and present opening and napping and visiting! It was lots of fun to help Willem open his gifts! Next year will be even more fun as he will be able to enjoy the event a little more. We had a Christmas Goose at dinner which was wonderful and Willem tried some more veggies.

After our North Carolina Christmas we hopped on a plane and headed out to Montana for Heather and Kirt's wedding!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was WONDERFUL!!! Willem got to meet all sorts of family, friends, and he got a new uncle! Lucky boy. I was able to go to Heather's shower and bachalorette party! WHOOO!! We went to "Wild West" which was a total hoot... I will have to start another blog to talk about that! And I will mention only one detail: Heather left her ID at home and Dad Sandvik had to bring it to the bar for her! HA! It was very cute and there is a good picture to prove it.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful... candle light inside and a snowy evening outside... everything was just perfect! Weddings mean so much more to me after our own wedding... looking up at Heather and Kirt I could just imagine all the beautiful things in store for them and how lucky I am to have this great family growing all around me! Todd read the poem he wrote for them which had me in crying like babe. Just thinking about it gets me all 'motional and stuff. THEN of course came the ROCKING SANDVIK AFTER PARTY... eh hem... I mean the reception! The food was wonderful, the company terrific, and the dancing stupendous! It was so great to see all the Sandvik clan, including family I had never met before, to meet more of Heather and Kirt's friends, and just have a great time! Manuel came all the way from Argentina for the wedding and he was a great addition... I think he danced more than anyone else! He even got Grandma out on the dance floor! GO MANUEL!

New Years Eve=Sleep.

After the wedding and the goodbyes to bride and groom and to Amber and Manuel we had a chance to just visit and kick back with Grandma and Grandpa. Whew! Willem held his bottle himself for Grandma and rolled over in fron of all of us! You go boy! Willem and I had a great visit with our friend Melissa and got to see a train roll by.

Unfortunalty, our vacation came to a close around some unpleasant news from North Carolina. Our little fur person, Misha, got his hinny chomped by a pit bull! All is okay now after two antibiotics and one of those cones to go around his neck. My mother saved Misha's life by kicking the pit bull in the head and pulling on its ears until it let go of Misha's throat! She even broke her toe doing so. THANK YOU MOMMA!!!!! We are greatly in debt to you!

Holidays in a large nutshell.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Life to Celebrate

My brother and sister-in-law's second child was born this Tuesday in far away Chinois! Welcome little Devin Khir! We can't wait to meet you! Dad was the one to give me the news, his excitement was palpable through the phone line. The herd of little boys has grown again. As my brother noted, between both sides of the family we will have enough youngins for our own basketball team. Congratulations to the proud parents and new big brother!

Celebration of Life

Willem got to meet his Great-great-Aunt Elsa when we took our trip down to Florida a couple of months ago. Years of Alzheimers and the complications of growing old in a facility robbed her of most of her speech and muscle control. Despite all that she mustered up some wonderful smiles when she saw Willem and had the energy to grab his meaty thigh and call him "fatty". That is my last memory of her.

Elsa passed away on January 5th at the age of 96. She spent a lifetime caring for others as a teacher, daughter, and sister. I will always remember what a wonderful sense of humor she kept and what a strong role model she was especially for all the women in her family. Below is part of her obituary from the Orlando Sentinel.

Her lifestyle was uncomplicated which reflected her heritage, coming from Swedish immigrant parents, born in the 1800’s, who had come to this country with very few possessions, survived the Great Depression and succeeded through hard work. Because of her upbringing, she had an unshakable, simplistic, optimistic faith in God, quietly expressed. This was shared by her close-knit family, which included six other children. Elsa served for many years as a Sunday School teacher at First Presbyterian Church of Orlando where she was a member.

Her adventurous Swedish father took his family from Maryland to North Carolina to Wyoming and then to Florida. They settled for a while in Pensacola and then traveled by horse-drawn covered wagon in the 1920’s to the Orlando area. The family first lived on the old Orlando Fairgrounds which her father managed (this is now the Bob Carr Auditorium / Amway Arena). The family then settled on the banks of Lake Fairview where she loved to dive and swim. The family finally moving to 1229 Hillcrest Avenue in Orlando.

a loved to travel and some of her favorite memories include going to Ellis Island where her parents came to the United States and the place where her parents first met in New Jersey. Anther special trip was to Southern California, including Knot’s Berry Farm and Tiajuana, Mexico.

Elsa graduated from Orlando Senior High School in 1929 as a member of the National Honor Society. She was one of two daughters in the large family to graduate from college and she loved science, poetry and literature. She worked her way through college and graduated from Florida State College of Women (now Florida State University) in 1933. She was an outstanding student in college and belonged to the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, the Life Saving Corps and played field hockey there.

Elsa had a dream of becoming a scientist, but in her generation, jobs of that nature first went to men. Instead she became an elementary school teacher in the Orlando school system serving at Delaney Elementary School for 35 years teaching 5th grade. She also taught at Hillcrest and Fern Creek Elementary Schools where she influenced hundreds of students over two generations, sometimes teaching children of her former students. There is a picture in the Beardall Senior Center, formerly Delaney Elementary School, of Elsa Lawson’s last day of teaching at that facility.

As well as being the intellectual in the family, she was known for having a beautifully landscaped yard and her green thumb where the family enjoyed long games of croquet. She was also a wonderful cook, preparing delicious meals resulting from her two brothers’ hunting and fishing exploits along Florida’s east coast.

Although Elsa was never married, her love for learning and teaching was passed on to another Lawson generation to enjoy educational careers. She was greatly loved by her family and friends and will be dearly missed.

We celebrate your life Elsa!