Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Holiday Pastry or Whooooooosh!

Say wha? January 27th already?!?! Okay... so a couple months have slipped past me. Most importantly the month of DECEMBER which held many fun events. Get ready for a stream of consciousness ramble as I try to conjur up memories...

Willem loved the mall in all of its pre-holiday madness, he rode face forward in his baby bjorn screeching in delight at all the shoppers actually garnering smiles and coos here and there from people who were close to turning into Grinches!

We tried to take several family holiday pictures to share but none quite captured the spirit or else they did capture the spirit but the spirit was cross eyed with exhaustion. So we have some fun shots of Willem and Poppa putting the lights on the tree but none of all of us.

Christmas eve we attended a particularly beautiful service... they are usually candle lit but this one was candle lit by necessity! Chapel Hill had a couple blocks without power! Willem loved all the flickering flames and was captivated by other chillen's squaking in nearby pews.

Afterwards we picked up our nanimals (Misha and Poushy) and headed out to the "Zoo House" (AKA Mom-mom and Grand-dad's) for a Christmas sleep to be followed by Christmas morning and eating and present opening and napping and visiting! It was lots of fun to help Willem open his gifts! Next year will be even more fun as he will be able to enjoy the event a little more. We had a Christmas Goose at dinner which was wonderful and Willem tried some more veggies.

After our North Carolina Christmas we hopped on a plane and headed out to Montana for Heather and Kirt's wedding!! YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! It was WONDERFUL!!! Willem got to meet all sorts of family, friends, and he got a new uncle! Lucky boy. I was able to go to Heather's shower and bachalorette party! WHOOO!! We went to "Wild West" which was a total hoot... I will have to start another blog to talk about that! And I will mention only one detail: Heather left her ID at home and Dad Sandvik had to bring it to the bar for her! HA! It was very cute and there is a good picture to prove it.

The wedding ceremony was beautiful... candle light inside and a snowy evening outside... everything was just perfect! Weddings mean so much more to me after our own wedding... looking up at Heather and Kirt I could just imagine all the beautiful things in store for them and how lucky I am to have this great family growing all around me! Todd read the poem he wrote for them which had me in crying like babe. Just thinking about it gets me all 'motional and stuff. THEN of course came the ROCKING SANDVIK AFTER PARTY... eh hem... I mean the reception! The food was wonderful, the company terrific, and the dancing stupendous! It was so great to see all the Sandvik clan, including family I had never met before, to meet more of Heather and Kirt's friends, and just have a great time! Manuel came all the way from Argentina for the wedding and he was a great addition... I think he danced more than anyone else! He even got Grandma out on the dance floor! GO MANUEL!

New Years Eve=Sleep.

After the wedding and the goodbyes to bride and groom and to Amber and Manuel we had a chance to just visit and kick back with Grandma and Grandpa. Whew! Willem held his bottle himself for Grandma and rolled over in fron of all of us! You go boy! Willem and I had a great visit with our friend Melissa and got to see a train roll by.

Unfortunalty, our vacation came to a close around some unpleasant news from North Carolina. Our little fur person, Misha, got his hinny chomped by a pit bull! All is okay now after two antibiotics and one of those cones to go around his neck. My mother saved Misha's life by kicking the pit bull in the head and pulling on its ears until it let go of Misha's throat! She even broke her toe doing so. THANK YOU MOMMA!!!!! We are greatly in debt to you!

Holidays in a large nutshell.

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