Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Delinquent but with Reason

I can't even start to try and fill in all the things I meant to Blog about over the past MONTHS... such is life! We move on!

Last night we had our first family night out at a friend's place. We went over to Patrick and Janet's house for kick ass beef stroganof (now schedule a time for Rodrigo to cook so we may all continue the Beef Strogan-Off... as it were). They have three year old Sofia and five month old Booker. Both of these chilluns are just the cutest dang things ever. Sofia saw that Willem's Eyore toy was hungry and preceeded to feed it mook (re: milk). Very sweet indeed. After meeting cousins (?) Maggie and Keira in Montana (and various and sundry other babes) Booker has been one of the few babies Willem has gotten a good look at. I think I will take Janet up on the offer and head over for some baby play time one day.

Okay, okay, okay... so... one MAIN reason I have not been posting as entended is because TODD AND I BOUGHT A HOUSE!!! WWOOOOOOHOOOOO!! Our first ever very own house no land lord no rules (maybe a few) all ours!!! We have a closing date of February 14th, adios Halmark, hola real celebration!! It is the perfect little house for us with a great big back yard and nice wood floors!! Todd and I could hardly sleep for days. We are finally going to have a place of our own, a place for Willem to learn to walk in and for us to keep dreaming and doing in. JOY!

It is in Durham close to our favorite bakery, Guglhupf. Oh yes, and we don't have to give up our local Amantes or VisArt either. We are in certain heaven.

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