Sunday, September 24, 2006

Teddy Homecoming

At thirty-five years old, Teddy has led an adventure filled life... which one can tell just by looking at him.

Grandma Sandvik found Todd's long lost Teddy Bear recently and yesterday it arrived with a fresh nose and mouth and a jaunty red bow! We are VERY happy to have him here. He can now have another go at recieving love from a little Sandvik boy.

Welcome Teddy! I wish you many happy years with us, hopefully you can keep your remaining eye for the duration.

Two Months Down!

Happy Birthday little man!! Two months have flown by. Willem is now making huge strides in head control, grabbing, holding, and noise making. Yesterday he had a pediatrician visit and got all of his baby innoculations. (P.S. For all you non-mommies... watching your brand new baby get poked with three needles is about the worst thing I have ever seen in my life! And I had to thank the nurse for the experience??) Good timing because (as Amber let us know) NC is experiencing a jump in Whooping Cough thanks to all those parents who do not what to immunize their children. Yeah... "thanks." Wiley had his first bandaids- Yello Crayon and flesh colored circle. He is officially 14 pounds and 14 ounces and 25 inches long. He grew two inches in one month! He smiled and cooed at the pediatrician up until the nurse came in to give the shots. OW!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm a plane!

I'm a plane!
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is what a baby looks like at 6AM after sleeping for seven hours straight!! (And after being awake almost the entire day before...) Willem is enjoying play time more and more. Playing "I'm a plane" and "ppek-a-boo" results in big smiles and coos! I wonder if I can put sound files up on the blog? He is talking all the time now.

Friday will be his TWO MONTH BIRTHDAY! WHOA! THe time is just flying by. We recieved sweet pictures from Brad and Kristy's vacation and it was just amazing to see how big Austin and Aiden are gettting. They are just gorgeous kids and absolutely bright eyed!

Well I better get going and take advantage of his nap... no telling how long it will last! Ekk!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Milk Drunk

Milk Drunk
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
A satisfied customer!

While his continuous awake times have grown so have the continuous sleep times. Last night he was asleep at 8pm but still managed the same feeding schedule. Cool!

Today we "celebrate" a landmark: the next size up of diapers was purchased!! He is officially out of size one and into size two (over 15 pounds).

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kitty in a Basket

Kitty in a Basket
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Poushy was getting jealous of all the pictures being taken of the little human and decided to up her cuteness to pull some attention her way. Life as a mommy is pretty interesting... things are accomplished in big bursts then there are lulls. I am discovering the absolute necessity of keeping things organized: there isn't enought time to mess around with messes!! I am also discovering what the trade off between day sleep and night sleep means. Washing dishes at 1am, emailing at 4am :) Thankfully WIllem seems to have hit on his own "schedule"... asleep at 9pm. One wake up at 3am. And then up again at 4am. Not so bad really. It is amazing what continuous sleep can do for a person! I have started doing a little work for MM from home... it feels good to be pulling in some dough and focusing my mind on work. ONWARD!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Post Walk

Walk & Nap
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
That nice morning walk in the September cool puts me in the mood for a nap too! I wish someone would carry me around in a Baby Bjorn.


Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
YEAH! I am just loving these smiles... this week has been the smiliest, most vocal, and AWAKE one yet. Last night he slept from 9pm until 3:20am! WOW! (Thank you, Willem.)

And yes... he is now 15 pounds.

Say it ain't so!

Oilers fan?
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Hometown Hurricanes Boy an Oilers fan??? NEVER! Looks more like a ploy from the China Bush folks to make him into a Canadian! :)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Late Night

Late Night
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
So this is what was going on at 11:30 last night. Whew! Willem decided to challenge his "Awake Time" record (of four hours)... and he succeeded!! Bravo little man! He was awake for five hours straight! Ekk!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ernesto Friday

Ernesto Friday
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Well, Ernesto has brought lots of rain, wind, and cool temperature... basically a premature feeling of Autumn. Ahhhhh! Willem has started smiling (interactively) a lot this week. We have been playing peek-a-boo, singing our little Toot fish song, and enjoying tracking Misha and Poushy.

Our friends Janet and Patrick had their little boy about two weeks ago... Welcome Booker!! He looks like a real cutie. Can't wait to meet him in person. It is wonderful to know we have friends with babes the same age.