Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kitty in a Basket

Kitty in a Basket
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Poushy was getting jealous of all the pictures being taken of the little human and decided to up her cuteness to pull some attention her way. Life as a mommy is pretty interesting... things are accomplished in big bursts then there are lulls. I am discovering the absolute necessity of keeping things organized: there isn't enought time to mess around with messes!! I am also discovering what the trade off between day sleep and night sleep means. Washing dishes at 1am, emailing at 4am :) Thankfully WIllem seems to have hit on his own "schedule"... asleep at 9pm. One wake up at 3am. And then up again at 4am. Not so bad really. It is amazing what continuous sleep can do for a person! I have started doing a little work for MM from home... it feels good to be pulling in some dough and focusing my mind on work. ONWARD!!

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