Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm a plane!

I'm a plane!
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is what a baby looks like at 6AM after sleeping for seven hours straight!! (And after being awake almost the entire day before...) Willem is enjoying play time more and more. Playing "I'm a plane" and "ppek-a-boo" results in big smiles and coos! I wonder if I can put sound files up on the blog? He is talking all the time now.

Friday will be his TWO MONTH BIRTHDAY! WHOA! THe time is just flying by. We recieved sweet pictures from Brad and Kristy's vacation and it was just amazing to see how big Austin and Aiden are gettting. They are just gorgeous kids and absolutely bright eyed!

Well I better get going and take advantage of his nap... no telling how long it will last! Ekk!!

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