Sunday, September 24, 2006

Two Months Down!

Happy Birthday little man!! Two months have flown by. Willem is now making huge strides in head control, grabbing, holding, and noise making. Yesterday he had a pediatrician visit and got all of his baby innoculations. (P.S. For all you non-mommies... watching your brand new baby get poked with three needles is about the worst thing I have ever seen in my life! And I had to thank the nurse for the experience??) Good timing because (as Amber let us know) NC is experiencing a jump in Whooping Cough thanks to all those parents who do not what to immunize their children. Yeah... "thanks." Wiley had his first bandaids- Yello Crayon and flesh colored circle. He is officially 14 pounds and 14 ounces and 25 inches long. He grew two inches in one month! He smiled and cooed at the pediatrician up until the nurse came in to give the shots. OW!

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