Friday, February 24, 2006


WOW! Little Baby Sandvik is moving around like crazy these days. Seems like as soon as we found out he was a he things have been progressing more quickly! Todd very sweetly purchased some nice maternity shirts for me... now I need to concentrate on those pants... I don't know how long I can keep unbuttoning my pants in class before someone gets worried :)

Wee Sandvik seems to really like mornings (before I jump out of bed) and dinner time. Last night during the national news, I must have been in a weird sitting position, he reallt squirmed around in a way I had not felt before... I couldn't stop laughing! Felt like a squirrel!

So, I found a set of organic cotton baby bedding... nice and simple but still playful for a tot. I think it may be worth the clams. Still not giving up on making my own, just keeping the options open! I found it at Crystal Baby Organics
...tres granola!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Pondering Along

There is also this really sweet Chinese Folk Toy fabric...

Baby Sandvik's Bedding

Have you ever actually looked at the baby bedding in stores? Ekk!! I am overwhelmed with the floofy, over patterned, expensive, scary stuff that seems to dominate. Luckily... there is a wealth of really wonderful fabric out there! I have decided to make lil' Sandvik's nursery bedding and I have just found what I *think* will be perfect!! I love it! No marketing angle in it, no message of intension (I hope he likes animals!), not to mention... Misha and Poushy will both approve!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Wicked 4D Imaging!

Baby Sandvik at 19 Weeks
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
I can't get over all the detail in these pictures! We have a face to go with the "name" now. All my day dreaming is just that much more focused. On to boy names, bedding, and plans, plans, plans... and enjoying every moment!

Mystery SOLVED!!

It's a BOY!!
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Here is our little man in utero. 19 weeks, half his birth length... many, many pounds to go! The "bottom" image is our proof :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

OH BOY!!!!

I couldn't even update the blog yesterday because I was too excited! We are having a boy!! He didn't make us wait long to find out either. At the ultrasound appointment the first image we saw was of our little fella spread eagle (thanks buddy!)... Yup... No mistaking that. Todd and I were very attentive students as we watched our little one turn, stretch, and demonstrate his leg and arm range of motion. Perhaps the wildest thing for me is that now I KNOW what the baby feels like... While watching the monitor we could see him kick out and I could feel it at the same time! No more confusing his movements for tummy gurgles. The technician printed out a set of five pictures (that funky new 4D style) that I will have up Friday! Todd and I went out last night to a nice Southern Italian restaurant to celebrate all of our many blessings, especially our son!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Those Old Wives' Tales

Over Christmas Dad Sandvik tried out the ol' needle on a string test with me (and Amber and Heather... :) ) I can't remember now if it swung side to side or in a circle over my wrist but I finally found some answers! I found an Old Wives' Tales website full of some curious tales. The pregnancy ones are near the bottom but I would suggest reading through the others! WHOA! I am thinking a lot of these were created for the express purpose of keeping young girls in line around the house... "If you sit on the kitchen table you will never marry." "Make your bed foot to head or you will have bad dreams." Is there any other way to make a bed? Have fun! Maybe this weekend I will try the needle on a string again!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Birthing Classes?... CHECK!

Today I made contact with Paula Huffman, a very experienced pre-natal RN and yogi. Todd and I will start taking childbirth classes with her (and other local expecting folks) in May. Paula was recommended by the Birthing Center and I can see why when looking at her experience! And lucky for Todd and I the classes will be held at our very own Carrboro Yoga Center (a whopping block away). You can check out the class description here: I am most looking forward to the massage techniques! Go Todd, Go!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Check-up Part Deux

Today was the day to finish up the check-up from last week. My mom was able to come again and this time she got to hear the heart beat. Very strong, lots of swishing... evidently Baby Sandvik was really wiggling around. Earlier today I am pretty sure I felt the baby move!! Three quick little taps? nudges? flops? I can't wait to feel more! Actually, I really can't wait until Todd can feel the baby move around too. Next check-up is scheduled for March 8th, the day after I get back from my spring break trip to visit Judith and Christine out in California.

So last night Todd and I watched just enough of the Super Bowl to rationalize eating a pile of nachos... we then moved on to a much better show (in my opinion, that game wasn't going much of anywhere). We watched the National Geographic channel's "In the Womb" which was amazing! According to the program our little one is just getting to the stage where it can make use of its developing senses... taste, touch, smell... just not sight (too dark!). Hope it liked the nachos!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Blanket Preview

Blanket Preview
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
My sister, Judith, recently started crocheting... although you wouldn't know from seeing her work! She is making our baby a very special gift-a baby blanket in nice Swedish yellow and blue! A very special present made with lots of love!

Seventeen Weeks

Seventeen Weeks
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Seventeen weeks and counting. We are almost halfway there! We had half of our second prenatal check-up last Wednesday. I was very happy that my mom was able to come with me so she could check out the center and see how a birthing center was different from a hospital environment.

Weight, blood pressure, protein and glucose are all on target. The baby should be around sixteen centimeters long now! Quite a change from the 3.4 from seven weeks ago.

Since we are going to a Womens' Health and Birthing Center people need to be a little more flexible... hence, I will be heading back Monday to finish the check-up. On Wednesday an expecting mum came in and went 0 t0 60 in a VERY short amount of time. My midwife was called away to deliver the babe!

The center is wonderful. I am really enjoying getting to know the midwives and doulas.

Our Pastry Project

Our Pastry Project
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
The ingredients all came together in October. This pastry is going to be in the oven for quite a while! Waiting for the timer July 10th.