Friday, February 24, 2006


WOW! Little Baby Sandvik is moving around like crazy these days. Seems like as soon as we found out he was a he things have been progressing more quickly! Todd very sweetly purchased some nice maternity shirts for me... now I need to concentrate on those pants... I don't know how long I can keep unbuttoning my pants in class before someone gets worried :)

Wee Sandvik seems to really like mornings (before I jump out of bed) and dinner time. Last night during the national news, I must have been in a weird sitting position, he reallt squirmed around in a way I had not felt before... I couldn't stop laughing! Felt like a squirrel!

So, I found a set of organic cotton baby bedding... nice and simple but still playful for a tot. I think it may be worth the clams. Still not giving up on making my own, just keeping the options open! I found it at Crystal Baby Organics
...tres granola!


Anonymous said...

Wow, Laura! I love the new baby linens!
Loved going shopping with you, loved hearing the baby's heart beat, loved looking at baby furniture, loved the ultrasound pictures, love we are having a GRANDBABY!

Love you and Todd,

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lola, Todd and Baby Boy Sandvik

We've rollicked with the BOY pix and the thumb-your-nose pix (a great trait in one so wee).

Daddy and Libby came over to see the sonograms and LOVED the early peek. I printed out a set for Daddy./ He was so excited his voice rose up like a little girl's (don't tell him).

LUV to you three!!!

Judy & John

Anonymous said...

Hello Laura, Todd and Mr. wiggles,
4D is certainly amazing!! he looks just like.. well no one yet, but that will come no doubt :-)) How alien is it to feel the little guy actually moving inside you?! in a very cool way, of course. the monkey fabric and the chinese one has my thumbs up!! Keep up the good work guys, that buns gonna come out of the oven just right!!
Love you,