Monday, February 06, 2006

Check-up Part Deux

Today was the day to finish up the check-up from last week. My mom was able to come again and this time she got to hear the heart beat. Very strong, lots of swishing... evidently Baby Sandvik was really wiggling around. Earlier today I am pretty sure I felt the baby move!! Three quick little taps? nudges? flops? I can't wait to feel more! Actually, I really can't wait until Todd can feel the baby move around too. Next check-up is scheduled for March 8th, the day after I get back from my spring break trip to visit Judith and Christine out in California.

So last night Todd and I watched just enough of the Super Bowl to rationalize eating a pile of nachos... we then moved on to a much better show (in my opinion, that game wasn't going much of anywhere). We watched the National Geographic channel's "In the Womb" which was amazing! According to the program our little one is just getting to the stage where it can make use of its developing senses... taste, touch, smell... just not sight (too dark!). Hope it liked the nachos!

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