Thursday, February 16, 2006

OH BOY!!!!

I couldn't even update the blog yesterday because I was too excited! We are having a boy!! He didn't make us wait long to find out either. At the ultrasound appointment the first image we saw was of our little fella spread eagle (thanks buddy!)... Yup... No mistaking that. Todd and I were very attentive students as we watched our little one turn, stretch, and demonstrate his leg and arm range of motion. Perhaps the wildest thing for me is that now I KNOW what the baby feels like... While watching the monitor we could see him kick out and I could feel it at the same time! No more confusing his movements for tummy gurgles. The technician printed out a set of five pictures (that funky new 4D style) that I will have up Friday! Todd and I went out last night to a nice Southern Italian restaurant to celebrate all of our many blessings, especially our son!

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