Sunday, February 05, 2006

Seventeen Weeks

Seventeen Weeks
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Seventeen weeks and counting. We are almost halfway there! We had half of our second prenatal check-up last Wednesday. I was very happy that my mom was able to come with me so she could check out the center and see how a birthing center was different from a hospital environment.

Weight, blood pressure, protein and glucose are all on target. The baby should be around sixteen centimeters long now! Quite a change from the 3.4 from seven weeks ago.

Since we are going to a Womens' Health and Birthing Center people need to be a little more flexible... hence, I will be heading back Monday to finish the check-up. On Wednesday an expecting mum came in and went 0 t0 60 in a VERY short amount of time. My midwife was called away to deliver the babe!

The center is wonderful. I am really enjoying getting to know the midwives and doulas.

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