Monday, July 31, 2006

Welcome Sadie!

Chris and Vicky Vitiello's baby girl, Sadie Catherine, was born yesterday afternoon! YEAH!!! She is just beautiful, too! Congrats, congrats! Willem's friends keep growing!

Happy Anniversary!

Anniversary Nap 3
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
What a perfect anniversary gift. They can't get any better! Today we celebrate our second wedding anniversary with little Wiley. Mom Bush made us a beautiful little cake with the same wheat, butterfly, and wildflower decorations that were on our wedding cake! When Todd gets home from work we will take a family stroll down to Weaver Street for a nice dinner out. The joy continues!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Little Wiley is one week old ALREADY! Time is flying by. Todd and I made our first run for diaper reinforcements... let's see how long 210 diapers last. Willem continues to amaze us and warm our hearts. He is getting stronger and chubbier every day! I posted more photos on our page too. Ciao!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Bun is Done!

Little Wiley
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Saturday July 22nd at 12:50AM Willem "Wiley" Mikkel Sandvik was born at the Women's Birth and Wellness Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

9 lbs. 2 oz.
21 1/2 inches
35cm head
100% pure love

I had no idea that you could physically hold love in your arms but you can. The labor and delivery were beautiful. Todd was my inspiration to stay focused and calm... he never left my side. And after an hour of actual pushing, I was able to reach down and deliver Willem into this world with my own two hands!

My folks and my dear friend Christina were also there to witness the birth. They all did a wonderful job documenting this part of the journey. All the photos are a real gift for me because the only thing I was focusing on was Todd's voice.

Our midwife, Maureen, was amazing as was the attending nurse, Ellen. They helped make the experience peaceful and just as beautiful as a birth should be. It was a glorious reception!

Well, little Wiley needs lunch part ii now. Todd has had the week off so the three of us have been having a great vacation... getting to know one another. JOY!!

There are more Willem pictures on our page for those interested!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"Estimated" Due Date

Well, the 12th has come and gone... the Baby Pool at the office has about fizzled (Evidently, people actually thought I would deliver on time). I am trying to keep my cool. At our check-up this Monday, after poking around a while, Midwife Maureen came out with this dousy: "I think there may have been a miscalculation of timing here..." ACK! I asked how "off" she thought we might have been... she held up two fingers... meaning WEEKS not days. DEAR JOHOVA!

All I can say is that this little guy better get here before the 22nd. Todd and I bought a very cute Astrological onsie with all the Cancer traits and a little crab on it.

So as can be expected I am now having lovely emotional highs and lows... had a complete breakdown on Sunday which included a good cry in the shower. Is there anything more pathetic than crying in the shower? Thank God for Todd.

For everyone wondering when the baby is going to show up - I have no idea. Believe me if I knew I would be telling people. The only fun part to waiting is that Mom and Dad Sandvik and Nate, Mindy, and Zain may actually BE here for the birth!

I have a non-stress test scheduled for tomorrow and then an ultrasound for Monday. Whoohooo.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Can the Compost Pile Take it??

Oh watermelon
how I love you...
Like one of the eight
glasses I am supposed to drink
except MUCH better.
My only question:
Can the compost pile
take one more rind?


Todd and I had our Week 39 (and two days) check-up today. We were advised to enjoy every day like it was our last... day of peace. Midwife Maureen guesstimated we would be looking at a 7.5 to 8 pounder. She seemed to be under the impression that I should just be thankful he isn't going to be a 10 pounder! WHOA! Mindy just told me her friend delivered a 9.5 pounder... whew! I will be in the corner counting my blessings.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Interloper

The Interloper
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
So Poushy brought this little guy INTO the house. I am guessing she got bored and let him run off... I rediscovered him as I was settling down to take a nap. ACK!! Poushy and I then tag-team hunted it. I am a better hunter than the silly cat. Poor little thing was about to have a heart attack- I guess I would too if I was his size with a giant hungry looking pregnant woman and a cat chasing me around.


Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
I just have to slip in this picture of Todd. We have been having a great time getting ready for baby... including some relaxing on the weekends! Baby likes Todd's playing just like his momma does.

Two Years Ago...

Two Years Ago...
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is our "serious faces" wedding portrait. What fun! To think that just two years ago this month we were enjoying Duck Island with our families after our wedding. And now we are going to have a baby boy for our second anniversary! YEAH!

Baby's Buds

Baby's Friends
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Some of them look relaxed, some a little nervous... perhaps they know more about baby habits than the others. My parent's neighbor, Deb, got him the big blue "Octotunes"- he is AWESOME! Each of his eight legs is a horn in a different key. So far I can play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Old McDonald."

Nursery Troll

Nursery Troll
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Everyone knows that Scando Babes have a nursery troll to keep them company, right? This is Bjorndolt, jokey little fella.

Fresh Coat of Paint

Fresh Coat of Paint
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Todd has been cracking away at the house and doing a splendid job. New paint, rearranging, clutter reduction. We are highly doubting that our land lord will take pity on us and put down new carpet... c'est la vie. We still love being in Carrboro and in such a sweet location- perfect for strolls with baby and frequent people watching so mommy Laura doesn't go batty.

Zee Final Days (We Hope)

Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Yes, it has been quite a while. Our friend Sam, a Paris avec le bebe Jack, has gotten me off my tush to update the blog. So here we go!

As of Wednesday we are at WEEK 38!! Anytime between 37 and 42 weeks is considered "normal" delivery time. However, don't get your hopes up folks... Midwife Jenny told us Friday that she expects me to be about a week late (going by the norm). Oy vey. I want to meet this little guy so badly. I think I am going to take up jogging and jumping jacks to get things going!

I believe just about everything is ready to go. The nursery is set up. The beautiful bassinette that all my syblings, my nephew, and my cousin Tiffany's girls used is beside the bed. Mom repainted and put new ribbons on it! The bag is packed for the delivery, save a few items. Ready to go!

Everyone has been so very generous and thoughtful to this little guy already. From his doting grandparents, aunties and uncles, all of my dear friends, my parent's friends from church, co-workers... and the list goes on!

Christina and Jen hosted the most wonderful shower at my mom's house. It just floored me! The greatest part was just being able to spend time with all these women I love to see but never get a chance to see. Then my parent's spiritual growth group from church had a luncheon for us that was so sweet. Lots of passing of parental tips (including the tip from Kate to have laxatives on hand before the birth! YEAHHH!).

And this little guy is going to have a premade playgroup (as soon as they all arrive). Our friends Vicky and Chris Vitiello (little girl) and Janet and Patrick Herron (little boy) are expecting around the same time. This will be the second child for both couples. Todd and I are lucky to have them around, all of them are wonderful parent role models for us!

AH! And then we just recieved exciting news that Sam, Serge, and four month old Jack will be here in July from Paris! So our little guy will get his first opportunity to meet his French pen pal. (I swear this is the only life planning I have done for him!)

So basically we are sitting back and staring at my stomach a lot. We ask him everyday when he is going to come. He never gives a straight answer. I am feeling great... spend lots of time laughing and daydreaming... not that much time on my internship.

Oh yeah... internship... guess I should get cracking!