Friday, July 07, 2006

Can the Compost Pile Take it??

Oh watermelon
how I love you...
Like one of the eight
glasses I am supposed to drink
except MUCH better.
My only question:
Can the compost pile
take one more rind?


Todd and I had our Week 39 (and two days) check-up today. We were advised to enjoy every day like it was our last... day of peace. Midwife Maureen guesstimated we would be looking at a 7.5 to 8 pounder. She seemed to be under the impression that I should just be thankful he isn't going to be a 10 pounder! WHOA! Mindy just told me her friend delivered a 9.5 pounder... whew! I will be in the corner counting my blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH my goodness oh my gosh! Mrs. Laura Sandvik is about ready to explode!! I was just sitting here thinking about you and then I though O MY GOD, has she had the baby yet?? Who's to say, but as of july 7th you hadn't. That was 10 days ago and if you've had the baby then you definitely won't be checking your mail, if you haven't your belly might not fit behind the computer table ;-) I hope I'm not too late in wishing you te best of luck during labour and the greatest puffing pleasure!- not. I'm glad you've made it full term ( A good friend of mine here was due at the same time as you, but had hers ( a boy as well) 5 weeks early. they're fine though. Als you will be as well, I'm sure of it! Your baby stuff looks sooo precious, I only wish that I could be there to hold the bugaboo once he gets there. He'll likely be walking by the time I see him ( next year). HOney I love you and good luck - and you better be damn sure that I want all the gory details once it's over - are you going au natural or getting an epi? Do you know that you can't get an epidural here unless your dead or dying?? yea, they're all about doing things all natural and healthy in Holland. I say: don't be a hero - take the drugs!! They'll be the last ones you'll be able to have for a looong time! Ahem... , but knowing you beautiful Laroo, you'll take the high road, sober and sail through. I wish you all my love and luck and sparkles, I'll give you a ring next week,
love to Todd and baby Bump,