Saturday, July 01, 2006

Zee Final Days (We Hope)

Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Yes, it has been quite a while. Our friend Sam, a Paris avec le bebe Jack, has gotten me off my tush to update the blog. So here we go!

As of Wednesday we are at WEEK 38!! Anytime between 37 and 42 weeks is considered "normal" delivery time. However, don't get your hopes up folks... Midwife Jenny told us Friday that she expects me to be about a week late (going by the norm). Oy vey. I want to meet this little guy so badly. I think I am going to take up jogging and jumping jacks to get things going!

I believe just about everything is ready to go. The nursery is set up. The beautiful bassinette that all my syblings, my nephew, and my cousin Tiffany's girls used is beside the bed. Mom repainted and put new ribbons on it! The bag is packed for the delivery, save a few items. Ready to go!

Everyone has been so very generous and thoughtful to this little guy already. From his doting grandparents, aunties and uncles, all of my dear friends, my parent's friends from church, co-workers... and the list goes on!

Christina and Jen hosted the most wonderful shower at my mom's house. It just floored me! The greatest part was just being able to spend time with all these women I love to see but never get a chance to see. Then my parent's spiritual growth group from church had a luncheon for us that was so sweet. Lots of passing of parental tips (including the tip from Kate to have laxatives on hand before the birth! YEAHHH!).

And this little guy is going to have a premade playgroup (as soon as they all arrive). Our friends Vicky and Chris Vitiello (little girl) and Janet and Patrick Herron (little boy) are expecting around the same time. This will be the second child for both couples. Todd and I are lucky to have them around, all of them are wonderful parent role models for us!

AH! And then we just recieved exciting news that Sam, Serge, and four month old Jack will be here in July from Paris! So our little guy will get his first opportunity to meet his French pen pal. (I swear this is the only life planning I have done for him!)

So basically we are sitting back and staring at my stomach a lot. We ask him everyday when he is going to come. He never gives a straight answer. I am feeling great... spend lots of time laughing and daydreaming... not that much time on my internship.

Oh yeah... internship... guess I should get cracking!


Elaine said...

Yay, yay, yummy blog posts with photos for us distant siblings. Yippee!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.