Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Bun is Done!

Little Wiley
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Saturday July 22nd at 12:50AM Willem "Wiley" Mikkel Sandvik was born at the Women's Birth and Wellness Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

9 lbs. 2 oz.
21 1/2 inches
35cm head
100% pure love

I had no idea that you could physically hold love in your arms but you can. The labor and delivery were beautiful. Todd was my inspiration to stay focused and calm... he never left my side. And after an hour of actual pushing, I was able to reach down and deliver Willem into this world with my own two hands!

My folks and my dear friend Christina were also there to witness the birth. They all did a wonderful job documenting this part of the journey. All the photos are a real gift for me because the only thing I was focusing on was Todd's voice.

Our midwife, Maureen, was amazing as was the attending nurse, Ellen. They helped make the experience peaceful and just as beautiful as a birth should be. It was a glorious reception!

Well, little Wiley needs lunch part ii now. Todd has had the week off so the three of us have been having a great vacation... getting to know one another. JOY!!

There are more Willem pictures on our page for those interested!

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