Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"Estimated" Due Date

Well, the 12th has come and gone... the Baby Pool at the office has about fizzled (Evidently, people actually thought I would deliver on time). I am trying to keep my cool. At our check-up this Monday, after poking around a while, Midwife Maureen came out with this dousy: "I think there may have been a miscalculation of timing here..." ACK! I asked how "off" she thought we might have been... she held up two fingers... meaning WEEKS not days. DEAR JOHOVA!

All I can say is that this little guy better get here before the 22nd. Todd and I bought a very cute Astrological onsie with all the Cancer traits and a little crab on it.

So as can be expected I am now having lovely emotional highs and lows... had a complete breakdown on Sunday which included a good cry in the shower. Is there anything more pathetic than crying in the shower? Thank God for Todd.

For everyone wondering when the baby is going to show up - I have no idea. Believe me if I knew I would be telling people. The only fun part to waiting is that Mom and Dad Sandvik and Nate, Mindy, and Zain may actually BE here for the birth!

I have a non-stress test scheduled for tomorrow and then an ultrasound for Monday. Whoohooo.


Anonymous said...

Well, phew! I haven't missd it then. I can only imagine the discomfort you're in, especially when you thought you'd have somewhat relief at this point... I have an image of the watermelon in the blog before this one :-) I'm still rooting for ya , Laroo! read my last blog and P.S. please send me your address!
What a labour of love!

Anonymous said...

Well i guess the saying, 'ask and you shall recieve' holds true. You will be able to to use the astrological nighty afterall!

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