Monday, November 20, 2006



I had just straightened out toys in front of him for his tummy time, turned around again and he was on his back staring at the cieling!! Probably thinking: "How the heck did this happen?"


Saturday, November 18, 2006


Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Mom, Dad, WIllem and I made the trip down to Florida two weeks ago to see the family down there. We had a wonderful time. WIllem was a gem! Between the driving and meeting so many new people he loved it all! We even went to EPCOT with Granddad and Libby. I had the most fun watching him intereact with everyone. He loved Elise and Sydney. They gave him a crawling lesson and both held him ever so gently. Really sweet. I am going to have to keep my eyes on Aunt Pat or else she is going to whisk Willem away! Willem also had eating and drinking lessons from Uncle Jud. Several grandma types in restaurants offered to adopt him.

This trip made me even more excited about heading to Montana for Heather's wedding. It is a beautiful thing to watch our family grow! Hmmm... local family, too! We just found out (officially) that Aunty Amber and Manuel will be joining us in North Carolina!! YEAHHHHHH!!!!!! Happy Day!!!

Friday, November 17, 2006


YEHAW!!! Just yesterday wee Willem learned how to push up on his arms!!! FIRST STEP IN ROLLING OVER REACHED!!! And once Todd got home Willem surprised us again by squishing his legs underneath him resulting in the little hinny in the air!! I called the grandparents as soon as I saw him pushing up. Yes, it is the little things that make my day. Not to say that the big things don't thrill me too... Todd officially found out yesterday that he has been accepted into the Duke MBA program. YEAHHHHH!! Lots of great accomplishments in one day.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Twenty Pound Frog

That is right, ladies and gents, this here frog weighs twenty pounds!!

Happy Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Three Months Old

Whew! Three months already? That is correct. Our little Wiley Celebrated three months of life on Sunday. On Saturday we all went to a Halloween/Anniversary Celebration for the Birth Center. It was wonderful to see all the other babes in their cute costumes. My favorite was a one year old little girl in a Zebra outfit... too cute. Willem has an adorable Frog suit with big eyeballs on top.

The movie is from Saturday morning... Willem was soooOOOooooo tired!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Grandpa's Birthday!!

Today is Grandpa Sandvik's 60th Birthday!! YEAHHHHHH!!! 60 fun filled years under the belt and many, many more to go! Willem wanted to say happy birthday so we made a little movie. (Our first YouTube experiment.) So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Teddy Homecoming

At thirty-five years old, Teddy has led an adventure filled life... which one can tell just by looking at him.

Grandma Sandvik found Todd's long lost Teddy Bear recently and yesterday it arrived with a fresh nose and mouth and a jaunty red bow! We are VERY happy to have him here. He can now have another go at recieving love from a little Sandvik boy.

Welcome Teddy! I wish you many happy years with us, hopefully you can keep your remaining eye for the duration.

Two Months Down!

Happy Birthday little man!! Two months have flown by. Willem is now making huge strides in head control, grabbing, holding, and noise making. Yesterday he had a pediatrician visit and got all of his baby innoculations. (P.S. For all you non-mommies... watching your brand new baby get poked with three needles is about the worst thing I have ever seen in my life! And I had to thank the nurse for the experience??) Good timing because (as Amber let us know) NC is experiencing a jump in Whooping Cough thanks to all those parents who do not what to immunize their children. Yeah... "thanks." Wiley had his first bandaids- Yello Crayon and flesh colored circle. He is officially 14 pounds and 14 ounces and 25 inches long. He grew two inches in one month! He smiled and cooed at the pediatrician up until the nurse came in to give the shots. OW!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I'm a plane!

I'm a plane!
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is what a baby looks like at 6AM after sleeping for seven hours straight!! (And after being awake almost the entire day before...) Willem is enjoying play time more and more. Playing "I'm a plane" and "ppek-a-boo" results in big smiles and coos! I wonder if I can put sound files up on the blog? He is talking all the time now.

Friday will be his TWO MONTH BIRTHDAY! WHOA! THe time is just flying by. We recieved sweet pictures from Brad and Kristy's vacation and it was just amazing to see how big Austin and Aiden are gettting. They are just gorgeous kids and absolutely bright eyed!

Well I better get going and take advantage of his nap... no telling how long it will last! Ekk!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Milk Drunk

Milk Drunk
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
A satisfied customer!

While his continuous awake times have grown so have the continuous sleep times. Last night he was asleep at 8pm but still managed the same feeding schedule. Cool!

Today we "celebrate" a landmark: the next size up of diapers was purchased!! He is officially out of size one and into size two (over 15 pounds).

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kitty in a Basket

Kitty in a Basket
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Poushy was getting jealous of all the pictures being taken of the little human and decided to up her cuteness to pull some attention her way. Life as a mommy is pretty interesting... things are accomplished in big bursts then there are lulls. I am discovering the absolute necessity of keeping things organized: there isn't enought time to mess around with messes!! I am also discovering what the trade off between day sleep and night sleep means. Washing dishes at 1am, emailing at 4am :) Thankfully WIllem seems to have hit on his own "schedule"... asleep at 9pm. One wake up at 3am. And then up again at 4am. Not so bad really. It is amazing what continuous sleep can do for a person! I have started doing a little work for MM from home... it feels good to be pulling in some dough and focusing my mind on work. ONWARD!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Post Walk

Walk & Nap
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
That nice morning walk in the September cool puts me in the mood for a nap too! I wish someone would carry me around in a Baby Bjorn.


Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
YEAH! I am just loving these smiles... this week has been the smiliest, most vocal, and AWAKE one yet. Last night he slept from 9pm until 3:20am! WOW! (Thank you, Willem.)

And yes... he is now 15 pounds.

Say it ain't so!

Oilers fan?
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Hometown Hurricanes Boy an Oilers fan??? NEVER! Looks more like a ploy from the China Bush folks to make him into a Canadian! :)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Late Night

Late Night
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
So this is what was going on at 11:30 last night. Whew! Willem decided to challenge his "Awake Time" record (of four hours)... and he succeeded!! Bravo little man! He was awake for five hours straight! Ekk!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Ernesto Friday

Ernesto Friday
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Well, Ernesto has brought lots of rain, wind, and cool temperature... basically a premature feeling of Autumn. Ahhhhh! Willem has started smiling (interactively) a lot this week. We have been playing peek-a-boo, singing our little Toot fish song, and enjoying tracking Misha and Poushy.

Our friends Janet and Patrick had their little boy about two weeks ago... Welcome Booker!! He looks like a real cutie. Can't wait to meet him in person. It is wonderful to know we have friends with babes the same age.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Willem Meets Sandra...

Sandra and Willem 1
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
...just in time for her to move to Germany! We will certainly miss her stateside but there are adventures to be had in foreign lands! I think she has a natural momminess about her. Willem totally dug the introduction... Smiling from tickles! And I must say, smelling lovely from the wonderful Burt's (Baby) Bees gifts. Did you all know that talc (our Baby Powder from way back) is actually a carcinogen!? The midwives suggested corn starch. Luckily, Burt's Bees makes a nice smelling non-talc powder for baby.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Tummy Time

Tummy Time 3
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Tummy Time, I am discovering, is valuable for three main reasons: 1.) baby learns how to hold head up, use arms and legs; 2.) baby wears himself out in a productive manner rather than kicking and arm flinging as you hold him; and 3.) mommy can get things done while watching baby but not while negotiating the world with only one hand!!

Ah yes, and it provides PHOTO OPS!!!!

Budding Friendship

Budding Friendship
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Misha is getting quite attached to little Willem. This weekend we caught him napping with Willem. Hopefully this love will mean that the crawling and hair pulling phase will go smoothly! Until then we will all enjoy the fur baby and human puppy friendship.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

One Month Already

First Bottle 1
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
I can't believe Wiley is already a month old! Everyday he is doing something new and growing, growing, growing! Todd fed him his first bottle which he took to like a duck in water. Evidently there is no "nipple confusion." It was wild to watch Todd feed Willem... I thought my heart was going to burst out!

Willem had his first check up with his new pediatrician. It was great- he is now 11.88 lbs., 22.5 inches and his head grew about 2 cm! He is in the 96th percentile for weight! Whoa! Looks like we got an eater on our hands!

Family Picture

Family Picture
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
We have our new family picture... only missing Poushy. This was taken a few blocks away at the yard of our local scrap metal sculptor, Mike Roig.
One day we will own one of his sculptures!

Poppa Bush's First Hold

First Hold
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
It took long enough! But there will be many more occassions!

Meet the Family

What a wonderful three weeks!! We had LOTS of family here (staying with Mom and Dad Bush... not our little place) to meet little Willem for the first time! They came from the far reaches of the Earth... from Florida to Montana to China. Little Zain is going to be a super big cousin (and big brother). He is already demonstrating his baby care skills including putting "Baby Michael" (play baby) into the car seat... baby may be upside down in the car seat but its a better job than Brittany Spears could do :)

Mom and Dad Sandvik came from Montana, Aunt Pat, Uncle Jud, and Tracy came from Florida, Grandmama and Charles from Florida, and Nate, Mindy, and Zain win the distance award for coming from CHINA!

It was wonderful to visit with everyone, to hear family baby stories (Aunt Pat told of her brother who was 20 pounds at BIRTH!!), to celebrate all sorts of events (Tracy's birthday, Nate and Mindy's anticipated baby boy, a respite from killer heat, etc., etc.).

The time also taught me (new mom) that it IS possible to DO things while caring for new born! Nice lesson!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Week 2 Check-up

here is a one handed post to update you all on little wiley's status: he is super. midwife jenny said he is big and beautiful... and so calm! he weighed in at 10lbs 4oz! Wow! 22 and 1/2 cm long. well... need to get him fed and to bed, maybe a nap for mommy too.

le nom

The only Willem that Todd and I have ever known of is the master actor, Willem Dafoe. After we brought little Willem home on July 22 we poked around on-line after talking with my sister, Judith, to discover who else shares his birthday... and surprise, surprise WILLEM DAFOE'S BIRTHDAY IS ALSO JULY 22!! Now people, we obviously could not have planned this. But how amazing, no? Is it a sign? Hmmm... what is in the stars for our little man?

Todd and I had a lot of fun picking out Willem's (Willem, pronounced almost like "William" but with the "em" versus "iam" at the end, with a "will" not a "vill"... heck... just like Willem Dafoe) name. We had a HUGE list of names we gathered. We spent many an hour knocking names around. Seeing what the initials ended up as, crossing out names that had possibilities for horrible name calling from meanies in school, and writing them out to see how they looked together. The manes were all of scando origin more or less... I mean the Vikings, Celts, etc. all really got around... why draw lines?

Willem Mikkel ended up striking both Todd and I very well. On March 16th we settled on it! And happily the name could accomodate a nickname that we both love... Wiley. And yes, we saw the name Wiley at the Wright Brother's museum on our honeymoon. Wiley Post was a pilot and inventor and led a pretty wild life all in all.

Willem is the Dutch version of William (From the Germanic name Wilhelm, which was composed of the elements wil "will, desire" and helm "helmet, protection". The name was introduced to Britain by the Normans. It has belonged to several rulers of England, Prussia, and Germany, including William the Conqueror, the first Norman king of England. Another famous bearer was William Tell, a legendary 14th-century hero from Switzerland. In the literary world it has been borne by dramatist William Shakespeare and poet William Blake, as well as contemporary authors William Faulkner and William S. Burroughs.)

Mikkel is the Scandinavian form of Michael (From the Hebrew name מִיכָאֵל (Mika'el) which meant "who is like God". This is the name of one of the seven archangels in Hebrew tradition and the only one identified as an archangel in the Bible. In the Book of Revelation in the New Testament he is portrayed as the leader of heaven's armies, and thus is considered the patron saint of soldiers. This was also the name of nine Byzantine emperors and a czar of Russia. Other more modern bearers of this name include the 19th-century chemist/physicist Michael Faraday and basketball player Michael Jordan.) The name can also be derived from the Scandinavian root mikill meaning "enormous".

Ekk... have to go! TIme for our two week check-up at the Birth Center. Look for news on how much weight he has gained... and I have lost!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Welcome Sadie!

Chris and Vicky Vitiello's baby girl, Sadie Catherine, was born yesterday afternoon! YEAH!!! She is just beautiful, too! Congrats, congrats! Willem's friends keep growing!

Happy Anniversary!

Anniversary Nap 3
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
What a perfect anniversary gift. They can't get any better! Today we celebrate our second wedding anniversary with little Wiley. Mom Bush made us a beautiful little cake with the same wheat, butterfly, and wildflower decorations that were on our wedding cake! When Todd gets home from work we will take a family stroll down to Weaver Street for a nice dinner out. The joy continues!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Little Wiley is one week old ALREADY! Time is flying by. Todd and I made our first run for diaper reinforcements... let's see how long 210 diapers last. Willem continues to amaze us and warm our hearts. He is getting stronger and chubbier every day! I posted more photos on our page too. Ciao!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The Bun is Done!

Little Wiley
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Saturday July 22nd at 12:50AM Willem "Wiley" Mikkel Sandvik was born at the Women's Birth and Wellness Center in Chapel Hill, NC.

9 lbs. 2 oz.
21 1/2 inches
35cm head
100% pure love

I had no idea that you could physically hold love in your arms but you can. The labor and delivery were beautiful. Todd was my inspiration to stay focused and calm... he never left my side. And after an hour of actual pushing, I was able to reach down and deliver Willem into this world with my own two hands!

My folks and my dear friend Christina were also there to witness the birth. They all did a wonderful job documenting this part of the journey. All the photos are a real gift for me because the only thing I was focusing on was Todd's voice.

Our midwife, Maureen, was amazing as was the attending nurse, Ellen. They helped make the experience peaceful and just as beautiful as a birth should be. It was a glorious reception!

Well, little Wiley needs lunch part ii now. Todd has had the week off so the three of us have been having a great vacation... getting to know one another. JOY!!

There are more Willem pictures on our page for those interested!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

"Estimated" Due Date

Well, the 12th has come and gone... the Baby Pool at the office has about fizzled (Evidently, people actually thought I would deliver on time). I am trying to keep my cool. At our check-up this Monday, after poking around a while, Midwife Maureen came out with this dousy: "I think there may have been a miscalculation of timing here..." ACK! I asked how "off" she thought we might have been... she held up two fingers... meaning WEEKS not days. DEAR JOHOVA!

All I can say is that this little guy better get here before the 22nd. Todd and I bought a very cute Astrological onsie with all the Cancer traits and a little crab on it.

So as can be expected I am now having lovely emotional highs and lows... had a complete breakdown on Sunday which included a good cry in the shower. Is there anything more pathetic than crying in the shower? Thank God for Todd.

For everyone wondering when the baby is going to show up - I have no idea. Believe me if I knew I would be telling people. The only fun part to waiting is that Mom and Dad Sandvik and Nate, Mindy, and Zain may actually BE here for the birth!

I have a non-stress test scheduled for tomorrow and then an ultrasound for Monday. Whoohooo.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Can the Compost Pile Take it??

Oh watermelon
how I love you...
Like one of the eight
glasses I am supposed to drink
except MUCH better.
My only question:
Can the compost pile
take one more rind?


Todd and I had our Week 39 (and two days) check-up today. We were advised to enjoy every day like it was our last... day of peace. Midwife Maureen guesstimated we would be looking at a 7.5 to 8 pounder. She seemed to be under the impression that I should just be thankful he isn't going to be a 10 pounder! WHOA! Mindy just told me her friend delivered a 9.5 pounder... whew! I will be in the corner counting my blessings.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Interloper

The Interloper
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
So Poushy brought this little guy INTO the house. I am guessing she got bored and let him run off... I rediscovered him as I was settling down to take a nap. ACK!! Poushy and I then tag-team hunted it. I am a better hunter than the silly cat. Poor little thing was about to have a heart attack- I guess I would too if I was his size with a giant hungry looking pregnant woman and a cat chasing me around.


Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
I just have to slip in this picture of Todd. We have been having a great time getting ready for baby... including some relaxing on the weekends! Baby likes Todd's playing just like his momma does.

Two Years Ago...

Two Years Ago...
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is our "serious faces" wedding portrait. What fun! To think that just two years ago this month we were enjoying Duck Island with our families after our wedding. And now we are going to have a baby boy for our second anniversary! YEAH!

Baby's Buds

Baby's Friends
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Some of them look relaxed, some a little nervous... perhaps they know more about baby habits than the others. My parent's neighbor, Deb, got him the big blue "Octotunes"- he is AWESOME! Each of his eight legs is a horn in a different key. So far I can play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" and "Old McDonald."

Nursery Troll

Nursery Troll
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Everyone knows that Scando Babes have a nursery troll to keep them company, right? This is Bjorndolt, jokey little fella.

Fresh Coat of Paint

Fresh Coat of Paint
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Todd has been cracking away at the house and doing a splendid job. New paint, rearranging, clutter reduction. We are highly doubting that our land lord will take pity on us and put down new carpet... c'est la vie. We still love being in Carrboro and in such a sweet location- perfect for strolls with baby and frequent people watching so mommy Laura doesn't go batty.

Zee Final Days (We Hope)

Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Yes, it has been quite a while. Our friend Sam, a Paris avec le bebe Jack, has gotten me off my tush to update the blog. So here we go!

As of Wednesday we are at WEEK 38!! Anytime between 37 and 42 weeks is considered "normal" delivery time. However, don't get your hopes up folks... Midwife Jenny told us Friday that she expects me to be about a week late (going by the norm). Oy vey. I want to meet this little guy so badly. I think I am going to take up jogging and jumping jacks to get things going!

I believe just about everything is ready to go. The nursery is set up. The beautiful bassinette that all my syblings, my nephew, and my cousin Tiffany's girls used is beside the bed. Mom repainted and put new ribbons on it! The bag is packed for the delivery, save a few items. Ready to go!

Everyone has been so very generous and thoughtful to this little guy already. From his doting grandparents, aunties and uncles, all of my dear friends, my parent's friends from church, co-workers... and the list goes on!

Christina and Jen hosted the most wonderful shower at my mom's house. It just floored me! The greatest part was just being able to spend time with all these women I love to see but never get a chance to see. Then my parent's spiritual growth group from church had a luncheon for us that was so sweet. Lots of passing of parental tips (including the tip from Kate to have laxatives on hand before the birth! YEAHHH!).

And this little guy is going to have a premade playgroup (as soon as they all arrive). Our friends Vicky and Chris Vitiello (little girl) and Janet and Patrick Herron (little boy) are expecting around the same time. This will be the second child for both couples. Todd and I are lucky to have them around, all of them are wonderful parent role models for us!

AH! And then we just recieved exciting news that Sam, Serge, and four month old Jack will be here in July from Paris! So our little guy will get his first opportunity to meet his French pen pal. (I swear this is the only life planning I have done for him!)

So basically we are sitting back and staring at my stomach a lot. We ask him everyday when he is going to come. He never gives a straight answer. I am feeling great... spend lots of time laughing and daydreaming... not that much time on my internship.

Oh yeah... internship... guess I should get cracking!

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Baby Stunt Double: Bo Ingo Bear

Daddy Todd and Bo Ingo Bear
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
What a surprise! Yesterday our baby car seat arrived. A very, very generous gift from Grandma Sandvik! I am afraid we are going to have to cut her off! She already got Baby Sandvik the crib! It is a super safe and stylish car seat... and actually pretty easy to figure out. Bo Ingo Bear is standing in for Baby Sandvik as we learn how to buckle safely and use all the cool extras (note the plastic rain cover... there is netting for ventilation on the side). Now... how to get it in the car... hmmm...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Belly: Week 26 (We are Actually at Week 29 Now)

The Belly: Week 26
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.

I think would kick me off if I tried to put all my photos up. I have some more on my Flickr page which everyone is invited to see These next three weeks are going to be INSANE with the end of classes (this week), final exams (next week), and then the dreaded COMPREHENSIVE EXAMS (third week). After that my life will get substantially less crazy. After that I will be able to give some serious attention to preparing for childbirth.

Yup. I kind of forgot about that part of the pregnancy. Todd and I will start our birthing classes next Sunday. And I will finally have the time to attend the prenatal yoga classes. Thank GOD my dear friend and mother mentor, Christina, gave me a prenatal yoga DVD. It has already awakened me to the fact that I can no longer lean forward when sitting on the ground. Hmmm. Something is in the way!

So, I leave you all with a close up of Baby Sandvik's current residence at week 26! I am evidently carrying a basketball.

And another thing...

Back in the early days of my search for baby bedding I found the wonderful Baby George organic cotton bedding at that Crystal Baby Organics ... Wonderful stuff but EXPENSIVE as HECK! So in the end I didn't actually buy it there but from this really sweet woman who recently opened an online/eBay store "Niki's Organic Boutique" out of Columbia, SC. She has the best prices I have seen online for organic bedding. If anyone is scouting out organic bedding I would check out her stock!

"This is yours!"

"This is yours!"
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
This is the week 28 baby belly explaining to Baby Sandvik where he will be sleeping in a couple of months. I think the reply back went something like, "What is this sleep you speak of? I am planning nothing of the sort!!"

Crib Buddies

Crib Buddies
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
So I went ahead and purchased the AWESOME "Baby George" organic cotton bedding. You can see the cute jungle animal embroidery here. I still need to get foam or padding or something to stuff in the bumper.

It is just amazing to walk into the room now and see things coming together. He will be here before we know it! I just ask that he stays in the oven until he is fully cooked (and until I am finished with my internship)!

The Daddy (Post Set-Up)

YEAH! The nursery furniture is finally here! This little babe has nicer furniture than anything Todd and I own. We are thinking of seeing if Baby Sandvik wants to trade. Grandma and Grandpa Sandvik gave us the glorious evolving crib (crib to day-bed to full size bed) and Grandma and Grandpa Bush gave us the roomy dresser/changing table. Big Daddy Todd did a stellar job getting the room set up! Just a little wall washing, window dressing, and floor covering left to go!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Bare-foot & Pregnant

Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Look! Isn't that rich? I AM bare-foot and pregnant... in the kitchen... making mac'n'cheese.

It has been a while since I have posted-there are just so many things going on! All is well though. We have the nursery furniture ordered with thanks to Mom and Dad Sandvik for providing a beautiful crib for our little boy and Mom and Dad Bush for providing a nice chest of drawers for those baby clothes! YEAH! All we need is the baby!!

Welcome Jack!

Baby Jack
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
At 8:36 AM on March 7th in Paris little baby Jack joined us all! Jack Samuel Jean Falcoz-Vigne is the first child for our friends Sam and Serge! Isn't he gorgeous!? A little pisces like my father. Well, welcome Jack! We can't wait to meet you! And so many congratulations to Sam and Serge! LOVE!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Baby Learns About Marine Life

Half Moon Bay was beautiful! Judith and I had a nice drive along ridges and canyons to get there. On our trip we saw two black tail deer, a sharp shinned hawk, an unfortuante raccoon, red wing black birds, snow, a flock of dinos, a white balloon with a lisp, pony rides, snails, hermit crabs in snails' clothing, and SEALS!!!!!! Seals with eyes like dinner plates staring back at us... surely wondering when we would get off their rock. Baby Sandvik no doubt experienced some turbulence as I jumped up and down waving to the seals to please come in and have a chat with us... no avail. Baby Sandvik and I also enjoyed a Dungenous Crab Sandwich and Barabara's... Mmmmm... we both approve!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Greetings from Mountain View, California!

Morning two, here with Judith and Christine and the three Grey Boys (kitties: Grey Beard, Grey Brother and the impetuous Romeow), has dawned! I am enjoying my time here visiting and seeing their home. Yesterday, Baby Sandvik and I learned all about the history of computers at the Computer History Museum. It was fascinating! My favorite peices of new knowledge surround the 1890 census which really got the computer building industry growing and the Kitchen Recipe Computer featured in the Neiman Marcus catalogue (number sold... 0). It had the delightful tag, "If only she can cook as well as Honeywell can compute..." Thannnnks. It took about a week's worth of programming training to work it and at that time you could hire a "domestic" to cook for you for the price of the Kitchen Compute. We had a wonderful dinner out at Shiva's, which kicked off a hiccuping spell for the wee one. Evidently, he has inherited his father's love of spicy food and the resulting hiccups! :) Today we are off to Half Moon Bay to walk the shore and, me thinks, test out some local food! Mmmmmm!!

Friday, February 24, 2006


WOW! Little Baby Sandvik is moving around like crazy these days. Seems like as soon as we found out he was a he things have been progressing more quickly! Todd very sweetly purchased some nice maternity shirts for me... now I need to concentrate on those pants... I don't know how long I can keep unbuttoning my pants in class before someone gets worried :)

Wee Sandvik seems to really like mornings (before I jump out of bed) and dinner time. Last night during the national news, I must have been in a weird sitting position, he reallt squirmed around in a way I had not felt before... I couldn't stop laughing! Felt like a squirrel!

So, I found a set of organic cotton baby bedding... nice and simple but still playful for a tot. I think it may be worth the clams. Still not giving up on making my own, just keeping the options open! I found it at Crystal Baby Organics
...tres granola!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Pondering Along

There is also this really sweet Chinese Folk Toy fabric...

Baby Sandvik's Bedding

Have you ever actually looked at the baby bedding in stores? Ekk!! I am overwhelmed with the floofy, over patterned, expensive, scary stuff that seems to dominate. Luckily... there is a wealth of really wonderful fabric out there! I have decided to make lil' Sandvik's nursery bedding and I have just found what I *think* will be perfect!! I love it! No marketing angle in it, no message of intension (I hope he likes animals!), not to mention... Misha and Poushy will both approve!

Friday, February 17, 2006

Wicked 4D Imaging!

Baby Sandvik at 19 Weeks
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
I can't get over all the detail in these pictures! We have a face to go with the "name" now. All my day dreaming is just that much more focused. On to boy names, bedding, and plans, plans, plans... and enjoying every moment!

Mystery SOLVED!!

It's a BOY!!
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Here is our little man in utero. 19 weeks, half his birth length... many, many pounds to go! The "bottom" image is our proof :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

OH BOY!!!!

I couldn't even update the blog yesterday because I was too excited! We are having a boy!! He didn't make us wait long to find out either. At the ultrasound appointment the first image we saw was of our little fella spread eagle (thanks buddy!)... Yup... No mistaking that. Todd and I were very attentive students as we watched our little one turn, stretch, and demonstrate his leg and arm range of motion. Perhaps the wildest thing for me is that now I KNOW what the baby feels like... While watching the monitor we could see him kick out and I could feel it at the same time! No more confusing his movements for tummy gurgles. The technician printed out a set of five pictures (that funky new 4D style) that I will have up Friday! Todd and I went out last night to a nice Southern Italian restaurant to celebrate all of our many blessings, especially our son!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Those Old Wives' Tales

Over Christmas Dad Sandvik tried out the ol' needle on a string test with me (and Amber and Heather... :) ) I can't remember now if it swung side to side or in a circle over my wrist but I finally found some answers! I found an Old Wives' Tales website full of some curious tales. The pregnancy ones are near the bottom but I would suggest reading through the others! WHOA! I am thinking a lot of these were created for the express purpose of keeping young girls in line around the house... "If you sit on the kitchen table you will never marry." "Make your bed foot to head or you will have bad dreams." Is there any other way to make a bed? Have fun! Maybe this weekend I will try the needle on a string again!

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Birthing Classes?... CHECK!

Today I made contact with Paula Huffman, a very experienced pre-natal RN and yogi. Todd and I will start taking childbirth classes with her (and other local expecting folks) in May. Paula was recommended by the Birthing Center and I can see why when looking at her experience! And lucky for Todd and I the classes will be held at our very own Carrboro Yoga Center (a whopping block away). You can check out the class description here: I am most looking forward to the massage techniques! Go Todd, Go!

Monday, February 06, 2006

Check-up Part Deux

Today was the day to finish up the check-up from last week. My mom was able to come again and this time she got to hear the heart beat. Very strong, lots of swishing... evidently Baby Sandvik was really wiggling around. Earlier today I am pretty sure I felt the baby move!! Three quick little taps? nudges? flops? I can't wait to feel more! Actually, I really can't wait until Todd can feel the baby move around too. Next check-up is scheduled for March 8th, the day after I get back from my spring break trip to visit Judith and Christine out in California.

So last night Todd and I watched just enough of the Super Bowl to rationalize eating a pile of nachos... we then moved on to a much better show (in my opinion, that game wasn't going much of anywhere). We watched the National Geographic channel's "In the Womb" which was amazing! According to the program our little one is just getting to the stage where it can make use of its developing senses... taste, touch, smell... just not sight (too dark!). Hope it liked the nachos!

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Blanket Preview

Blanket Preview
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
My sister, Judith, recently started crocheting... although you wouldn't know from seeing her work! She is making our baby a very special gift-a baby blanket in nice Swedish yellow and blue! A very special present made with lots of love!

Seventeen Weeks

Seventeen Weeks
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
Seventeen weeks and counting. We are almost halfway there! We had half of our second prenatal check-up last Wednesday. I was very happy that my mom was able to come with me so she could check out the center and see how a birthing center was different from a hospital environment.

Weight, blood pressure, protein and glucose are all on target. The baby should be around sixteen centimeters long now! Quite a change from the 3.4 from seven weeks ago.

Since we are going to a Womens' Health and Birthing Center people need to be a little more flexible... hence, I will be heading back Monday to finish the check-up. On Wednesday an expecting mum came in and went 0 t0 60 in a VERY short amount of time. My midwife was called away to deliver the babe!

The center is wonderful. I am really enjoying getting to know the midwives and doulas.

Our Pastry Project

Our Pastry Project
Originally uploaded by lola_sandvik.
The ingredients all came together in October. This pastry is going to be in the oven for quite a while! Waiting for the timer July 10th.